Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Ok, so I lied. I have another thing to write about before I leave for Brazil [in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!].

Everyone knows that in Latin American countries, fútbol is a really big deal. No, don't call it soccer. It's fútbol. Since it's so popular, my friends and I naturally decided that we wanted to follow a Chilean team and try to go to a game. A few months ago I did some major research on the two teams I was most interested in [Universidad de Chile and Colo-Colo] in order to decide which one I liked more. Just for references sake I'm going to call Universidad de Chile by its nickname "La U" because it's shorter. Also, even though La U is named after the university, it hasn't been connected to the actual university since the Pinochet dictatorship.

Francisco Prieto
After many hours on the team websites and wikipedia, I made my decision and chose Colo-Colo despite the fact that it's the most flaite [sketchy, ghetto] one. I just feel like Colo-Colo is the soul of the pueblo and I don't care that they've been losing lately or that the fans are crazy and start huge fights. Also, "Colo-Colo" is just a fun word to say. A couple cool facts about my team are that it is named after the Mapuche leader Colo-Colo and that's why their emblem has the warrior on it. [The Mapuche are the indigenous people from Chile and they are the only tribe who successfully resisted Spanish conquest during the Arauco War in the 1500s.] One of the founders of the team, David Arellano, died the day after a match in Europe where he was badly injured. The black bar above the crest symbolizes his early death and honors him. Another cool thing is that they are the most successful Chilean team internationally and have won the Copa Liberatores, Recopa Sudamericana, and the Copa Interamericana. Ok just one more fact: in 2009 the IFFS [International Federation of Football History and Statistics] rated Colo-Colo as Chile's #1 club team of the 20th century and in the top 20 teams of South America. I also think that the goalie, Francisco Prieto is super hot, but maybe that's because he's one of the few Chileans who are over 6' tall.

La U and Colo-Colo are intense rivals and this Sunday they played against each other in the game known as the "Superclásico". My friend Natalie worked out getting us the tickets through her friend Carlos who works as a manager of the Starbucks that she practically lives at her [lol]. So Carlos, Natalie, Rachael, Julian, Meredith and I got to go and I was stoked for my first South American fútbol game! Rae and I are the only ones who support Colo-Colo and earlier in the semester we got jerseys to rep them, but we couldn't wear them to this game because our tickets were in La U's section so we would've probably been beat up. It was kind of awkward sitting in the opposing team's section;                Rae and I had to keep ourselves from cheering whenever Colo-Colo did something good, which unfortunately wasn't often because we got slaughtered by La U [4-0]. Even though we lost, it was still a super exciting experience. Fans snuck flares into the stadium and lit them off whenever a goal was scored and it was hilarious listening to all the yelling and chants like, "Conchatumare" and "Él que no salta es maricón". I'm not gonna post the translation for those though cause they're pretty profane. Another interesting thing was that no fans for La U were allowed close to the Colo-Colo section. You can tell in one of the photos that the stands on both sides of them are empty in order to prevent fights [my tandem partner told me that people used to die at every one of the games from getting into fights with the rival team's fans]. Also, there was a trench/ditch between the stands and field preventing anyone from rushing the field or jumping the fences as well as carabineros [police] standing around everywhere.

The closest I have ever been to Francisco

I'm SO SO SO happy that I got to go to a game before leaving Chile--even though Colo-Colo got a slap in the face and I have a cold, it was totally worth it! And afterwards, me, Rae, Mer, and Jewels went to dinner in Bellavista and I had my last lomo a lo pobre.
Now I'm completely done writing my finals and only have packing and running a few errands between me and Rio! Yippeeeee!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Final Countdown (2)

...continued from my last post

11. Being chosen from the audience to walk the runway at a Chilean drag show
            A few nights ago I went to a gay club with some of my friends and there was a drag show at the end. I had never been to one before, but it was really cool! There were tons of lasers and black light stuff and at the end they asked if there were any extranjeros [foreigners] in the audience. My friends pushed me onto stage and then one of the drag queens asked me questions like where I was from and what I’m studying. I couldn’t understand a lot of what he/she was saying cause he/she was speaking really quickly in Spanish, but at the end he/she said that I look like a model and told me to walk the runway. Then we had a mini walk off and it was a lot of fun and everyone was cheering. We left pretty quickly after the show though because a Brazilian lesbian wouldn’t leave me alone even though I told her I was straight. Lolz. 

12. Getting drenched from walking home in the rain
            Mer and I failed to bring an umbrella with us to the gay club so we wound up walking home in the rain. Thankfully it wasn’t a cold night and the rain didn’t make us freeze. We got back to her apartment at like 5am [her doorman looked at us like we were freaks] and made ravioli before heading to bed.

13. Making crazy music videos with Mer
            What was going to be a chill hang out at her apartment while I waited for the dinner to be over at my own apartment [my roomies were having guests over and I didn’t want to be there] turned into a beer and wine night with just the two of us. Then it got even crazier with us rapping music videos for our friends and posting them on their facebook walls. Super hilarious renditions including Hangover and Wild Ones.

14. Taking mirror pics with some of the girls at my liceo
            I wanted to take photos with a couple of my favorite students and naturally they led to me this huge mirror on the side of one of the buildings so that we could take really great myspace type pics together. Pretty standard here.

15. Freaking out about adorable puppies
            One time when Mer, Jewels, and I were sitting on a bench in Parque Forestal, we spotted the most perfect Beagle puppy I have ever seen [besides my 13 year-old Beagle, Missy, when she was a puppy]. I said “Oh my gosh” at least twenty times over and over before Jewels told me to shut up. Mer and I were oogling over it for at least half an hour, but we didn’t go pet it cause it was with its owners. Jewel’s laughed at us for thinking the puppies were so extraordinary and freaking out about them. And Mer also showed me some pictures of other puppies she saw in another place in the city that were fluffy balls of joy.

16. Visiting Pablo Neruda’s house in Isla Negra
            A couple weekends ago my program organized a trip to visit the graves and homes of three famous Chilean poets. First, we visited Cartagena to see the plaza and where Vicente Huidobro is buried. Then, we drove to see Nicanor Parra’s house; we were hoping he would come out and say hi, but he didn’t. Lastly, we went to Isla Negra where Pablo Neruda had a house. We toured his house and             honestly, it made me like him less. Even though I appreciate his poetry, he was a very hypocritical person. But I don’t want to get into that right now. We saw his grave that day as well because he is buried outside his house. That day was a nice break from the seemingly endless mountain of schoolwork I’ve been tunneling through lately. And I’ve learned about those poets in one of my classes here, which made the experience more meaningful and special.

Neruda's grave

Neruda's house

17. Going to Da’ Tito’s [a super sketchy bar at Los Leones]
            Rachael discovered this hole in the wall place and we went there one night to wait out the rush hour for the metro. The name itself made us laugh and the waiter we had was pretty funny too. The five of us [me, Rae, Nat, Mer, and Jewels] went back there another time to hang out.

18. Helping Rae learn how to play her first song on guitar
            Back when it was sunny every day, I used to bring my guitar to campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays because Rae and I have a huge break between our classes. I taught her how to play “Marry You” by Bruno Mars and now she can! I’m super proud of her.

19. Eating raw meat with my Chilean friend
            I went out to lunch a while ago with my friend Ignacio and he took me to this super Chilean place by Plaza Nuñoa where we got crudo, which is raw ground beef that you add onions and lemon juice to and then spread it on bread with mayo. It was really good!!

20. Indulging in scoops of gelato at Emporio La Rosa
            Every time I go to get ice cream there I wind up getting the same flavor: dulce de leche. Sometimes I add another scoop of chocolate, but there has to be one of dulce de leche too. This place is dangerously delicious; if I lived any closer to it then I would have gained even more weight in my time abroad.

21. Buying arrollados and sopaipillas at the stand outside La Católica
            Another food that I have become obsessed with while I’ve been here are these two things. An arrellado jamón con queso is basically a fried bread roll with ham and cheese and a sopaipilla is fried flat round bread that you can eat plain or top with either guacamole, mustard, mayo, salsa, or all of the above. These tasty nuggets are 200 and 100 pesos each [100 pesos is about 25 cents usd]. There’s a cart outside the gates to my university so I can’t help but stop there for a snack. I think that the women who work there recognize me now.

22. Cooking breakfast for dinner and watching Star Wars
            French toast and crepes galore! Jewels, Nat, Rae, and Mer all came over to my apartment to eat some delicious breakfast food and then watch the first episode of Star Wars. We spiced it up by turning the movie into a drinking game where things such as whenever someone uses the force, Darth Vader enters the scene, there’s sexual tension between Han Solo and Lea, etc. we had to take a drink of whatever we had.

23. Watching the crazy soccer fans overflowing the buses and cheering on Plaza Italia
            Everyone knows that fútbol in Latin America is a huge deal, but whenever la Universidad de Chile won a game, it was craziness in the streets. In fact, it gets so crazy that you aren’t allowed to wear team jerseys in bars or clubs after the games because it can start fights. I unfortunately haven’t been to a game [it’s harder than you think to get tickets], but I have watched one in a bar where my team [Colo-Colo] was slaughtered by la U.

24. Feeding cans of tuna to the cats on my street
            Just like #10 from my previous post, I can’t resist providing nourishment to the street kitties who live in an empty yard nearby my apartment. The big, old orange one and multicolored brown one let me pet them, but the black one doesn’t. I’ve trained the brown one to come to me when I call out “Kitty kitty kitty.” It’s precious and I know you’re jealous.

25. Going to Miércoles Po
            Every Wednesday there’s a special deal for foreigners to get into these themed parties hosted by this company called Comunidad Miércoles Po. I went for the first time this past Wednesday with my friends Meredith, Maya, and Lauren and it was snow themed. There was a blower on stage that blew little Styrofoam balls over the crowd, which at first seemed cool until it got in my mouth while I was singing and made it look like I had white dandruff in my hair the next day at school. That night, I also was hit on by my first gringa hunter, who straight up told me that he really likes gringas, and I made it into the video from the party [go to :53].

26. Adventures with Lindsey and Amelia
            On Thursday night we went to a funky, small, super Chilean bar near Lindsey’s apartment and then headed to Barrio Brasil to go to a club called Galpon Victor Jara where we watched a couple bands play, almost got trampled in the mosh pit, and wondered why there was a dancing devil on the stage. Good times.

27. Taking graffiti pictures in Bellavista
           Mer and I wandered around Bellavista this afternoon so that we could find awesome graffiti to take pictures with. Here are some of my favorite ones:

In less than a week I’ll be flying to Rio—only one essay and packing up all my stuff are standing in my way. I can’t believe that I’ll be home in less than a month. Maybe I’ll have time to post again on my blog before I leave, but if not then I’ll sum it all up when I’m back in California. I can’t wait to go back to Brazil and hike Machu Picchu, but at the same time I’m super sad to be leaving the place I’ve called home for the past 5 months. I’ve convinced myself that I need to live and work here sometime in the future though.

Nos vemos, Chile! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Final Countdown

Woah, time does fly when you’re having fun. The past few weeks have gone by so fast and I can’t believe that I only have one more week in Chile before I go back to Rio and then to Cuzco, Peru, to hike to Machu Picchu. The past 5 months have been incredible and I’m super sad to be leaving Chile soon. I would love to go home for a few months and then come back if I could. I wish that my friends and family from home had been able to visit me while I’ve been here so that I could share this experience with them.
The recent rain has cleared the pollution and made the Andes look absolutely perfect.
Russell and I at the final dinner
As you can tell, I've already started feeling sentimental about my semester abroad coming to an end. Last week my exchange program had our final goodbye dinner together and it made me feel pretty nostalgic for my first few weeks in Santiago when I was discovering the city and felt like I had so much time ahead of me. It made me realize that no matter how hard I try to explain Santiago or my semester here to other people, no one will understand like the students in my program.

Jewels' and my favorite pose together 
Rae, me, Jewels, Nat, and Mer
Jewels and I with Joaquin, our monitor from the first month 
Since I'll probably only be posting a couple more times, here is the final countdown of things that I want to remember about my trip that have happened recently. 

1. Chugging piscolas
            This is a drink made with pisco [kinda like tequila] and coca cola. I honestly don’t like the taste of it at all, but somehow Mer convinced me a few days ago to chug them with her, which contributed to what happened in #13 [see next post].

2. Salsa dancing at Maestra Vida with creepy older guys
            Even though they were creepy, it was a lot of fun! I had never gone salsa dancing before so Rae taught me before we headed to the Salsoteca, but the guys still had to teach me some too. They were all really good dancers and spun me around a ton and there was an awesome live band playing most of the time! I was also stoked about it because I had the opportunity to practice my Spanish a lot. 

3. Being ambushed by school kids on Cerro Santa Lucia
The group of kids who bombarded us 
            I went to this cerro [hill] with Mer a couple weeks ago cause there’s a castle on top with a breathtaking view of the city and mountains. There’s also a gorgeous yellow building with fountains at the base of the hill. Anyway, when we were on top, this group of kids [they were probably 12-ish years old] surrounded us asking rapid fire questions like where we were from and what our names are while simultaneously commenting on how blue our eyes are and how tall I am. After Mer and I took a photo of them, a few of the boys proceeded to follow us down the hill so that they could get pictures with us. All in all, it was a pretty hilarious incident and we had a good laugh about it.

4. My friend Rae and her magos [magicians]
            Somehow Rae has managed to attract not one, but two magicians in the past 5 months. The second one also works as a real estate agent on the side because he doesn’t make enough money performing magic [fancy that].

5. Spending time at Dublin [clue: it’s not the city]
            Ever since I’ve become obsessed with the show How I Met Your Mother I thought it would be cool to have a bar that all my friends and I hang out at. We found Dublin at the very beginning of the trip and the fact that it’s an Irish pub like MacLaren’s in the show makes it even more legen…wait for it…dary! The last time we were there [last Thursday] I may or may not have shed a couple tears at the realization that it was probably our last night out as a group. 

6. Studying at cobs [Café Observatorio]
            Besides having a “usual” bar, it’s been nice having a usual café too. My friend Julian [aka Jewels] and I stumbled upon it while looking for a place to study in Barrio Lastarria one day. Now, we go there all the time even though the coffee is expensive. It has such an awesome vibe, is really cozy, and they play great music. In fact, Jewels is obsessed with the jazz music they play sometimes. 
A photo I creepily took of Rae studying in cobs
7. Feasting on chorrillana with Nat and Rae
            This dish can also be referred to as a heart attack on a plate. It’s a huge stack of salty French fries topped with beef, onions, scrambled eggs, and pebre [this salsa type stuff]. The picture shows a plate that fed all three of us—it was enormous! And the restaurant itself was pretty crazy. It was like La Piojera actually; the walls and tables and even windows were covered with writing and drawings.

8. Being called hipster and “Miss Barbie” by the girls at the liceo [secondary school] I work at
            One day I decided to wear a llama sweater, jeans shorts, grey leggings and black combat boots and the girls said I was a hipster. Hah. And the Barbie name is self-explanatory.

9. Mer and I watching a super hot Chilean sing Limp Bizkit with his band
This was the best photo I took of the hot Limp Bizkit rapper
            There was a free concert at my university’s campus one night so we spontaneously decided to go. We met up with some Chileans there and our friend Javier even pushed us into the mosh pit so we jumped around and got beaten a bit before going back to the outskirts of the crazy mob. All the bands that played at the concert were made up of students from the school, which we thought was super cool. One of the lead singers of the bands was really attractive and I’ve been looking for him on campus ever since but haven’t found him. Boo.

Chilling at the outdoor concert
10. Rolling on the ground and petting street dogs [pssshhh there’s no such thing as sanitation]
            You can tell from the fact that my family has 4 dogs and 3 cats in San Diego and the multitude of cat photos I’ve taken on my trip, that I love animals. I can’t help stopping on the street to cuddle with a sad looking dog. And yes, once I did even get on the ground to scratch its belly, which made my friends cringe. I haven’t contracted any diseases yet so that’s a good sign jaja [Spanish laugh].

In my next post I'll continue the list :)